Pure Comedy: Chris Brown Goes In On Kat Stacks Via Twitter!!!

Last night Chris Brown gave Kat Stacks the attention she’s been looking for and the two had a Twitter spar that we think was Pure Comedy. Check it out below:

Chris kicked it off by saying…
Chris Brown and Kat Stacks Twitter Beef
SMH… but that’s just the beginning.

Keep reading, the drama continues

Chris Brown Avatar
kat stacks baby pic
A gnome named norm
Breezy you’re a fool for that one… But we do kind of see the resemblance.

Kat Stacks Tweets
Of course Kat Stacks had to bring Chris’ assault case into the fight. Way too easy.

Chris Kat Twitter Beef
Yikes… Soulja Boy, is that you?

Kat Stacks Posts photos of battered Rihanna
Kat struck a low blow by bringing Rihanna’s battered picture into the battle.
Chris Brown Coffin Tweet
Did Chris Body her with that last one?

last words
Whether he realizes it or not, Breezy definitely helped extend this broad’s shelf life. Why do people bother getting into it on Twitter with this attention whore???

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